Andy Hill's impending environmental crime

 At the beginning of 2019, BUS company also proposed the same project, but it was postponed by the residents of Ter Andy and many environmentalists and did not completely give up.

 The project was postponed until one of the contractors was allowed to cut down the old trees from Al Masoudiye Junction to Andy Hill, and the neighbours' desire to expand the underground cable network was realized. At the same time, the second contractor was allowed to cut trees from the opposite side, and the third permit was granted to cut the dry trees of the former Raad project on Andy Mountain Road. Conflict... This is not a community, it has the Sahel Municipal Association.

 Al-Akhbar tried to contact several mayors near Tel Andi, but received no comment from them. As for the leader of the Sahel Congregation League, Mohamed Hussein, he did not comment, "because he has no authority." Who does Tel Andy serve? "She serves herself," Hussein said.

 In return for community neutrality, some activists strongly opposed the closure of Andy Hill’s logging yard.Activist Muhammad al-Dhaibi pointed out that there are soil quality problems in the area that hinder the planting of new trees, which shows that someone has conspired to harden old trees to justify deforestation. The felled trees cannot be replaced.

 In this context, he repeatedly reviewed the requirements of Tel Andi residents to the Ministry of Agriculture to test the soil as part of their refusal to close and pass the high-voltage network project. Al-Daibi told Al-Akhbar that people and activists are trying to “ensure a neutral party that conducts soil research in the area” and emphasized that these trees are “rich in toxins that mix with water and irrigate their roots, causing systemic effects on the soil. Damage.

 Trees that are slowly dying from the inside to the ground. This has been a serious crime for several months. International law and the FAO are responsible for this, but it does not lose its face.


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