Season begins in Palm Island Reserve: Will the economic crisis lead to a decline in tourist numbers?

The Palm Island Reserve in the port of Tripoli officially opened today, announcing the start of the citizen visit season, which will last until September 30. Three months of the year, from the end of June to the end of September each year, after the eggs of sea turtles and rare birds that inhabit the reserve for this purpose have hatched and hatched. These rare animals include green sea turtles, herons and grey herons, as well as rare wild plants and herbs in the reserve.

 The protected area was officially passed by the House of Representatives on March 9, 1992. It consists of 3 islands with an area of ​​approximately 5 square kilometers and 3 to 5 kilometers from the coast: Al Nahl. (The most famous of which is named after the presence of palm trees, because it is also called Isla Conejo because of the rabbits), Sinani and Ramkin (also known as AlFanar), which makes it the "First Nature" Reserve Monitoring Committee The person in charge Amer Haddad said. Recently, the protected area was subjected to abuse and visits by humans and fishermen outside of the designated hunting season, prompting the commission to request the Lebanese Coast Army and internal security forces to patrol last month.

 Implement the decision to prohibit entry into the reserve this year. "Because it will cause environmental damage to some birds and sea turtles that lay eggs on protected islands at this time of year." According to the committee's opinion at the time. Haddad explained the reason for opening the gate of the reserve early: “We visited the reserve a few days ago and learned that the hatching and incubation season of sea turtles and rare birds is over, and there is no danger to them. So we decided to ask tourists who always ask for it.

 Open to fishermen to “commemorate” the opening of the reserve to tourists every two years on June 10. Before opening the gate of the reserve to the public, there is a committee responsible for overseeing the reserve, which is responsible for cleaning the island and its objects, Including toilets, toilets and free passages for tourists. In this regard, Haddad pointed out that “there is a lot of garbage from the ocean and fishermen, and the four workers have to carry 50 bags of garbage and garbage every day” and destroy “unidentified people”. And stole some of the garbage.” Due to the high cost caused by the collapse of the Lebanese pound, we are now unable to relocate tents and other items. The difficult economic situation and the high cost of maintaining the protected area have caused the committee to increase the admission fee from 3,000 lire to 5000 lire, but this increase is considered acceptable compared to the cost of transporting people out of the reserve.

 Bookings are made with the help of moored ships. At the port, this is used exclusively for this purpose, according to Haddad, due to Fuel prices have risen, and the cost has increased from “£7,000 to £25,000 per person”.However, the potential decline in the number of visitors to the reserve has not bothered Haddad, and he believes that the committee "will certainly help reduce pollution and the amount of trash and rubbish that enters the reserve during his stay. Effectiveness. Open to tourists and keep it fresh.


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